It Just Went HOT !
Friends, Obama, The Noble Peace Prize Winner, just bombed Syria. His only allies were Qutar, UAE, Jordan and Saudi Arabia ….. ALL who benefit from the purposed pipeline through Syria which is what this is really ALL about. Earlier today, France and Germany said they would not be a part of any bombing . […]
Consider Yourself Warned
So today….. ISIS chops off another head, Henry Kissinger writes an article in The Wall Street Journal about The New World Order, Libya is in flames,The U.S. Embassy in Libya is now being “guarded” by radical Islamists, Pakistan is in flames ( note their cache of nuclear weapons) ,Egypt is trying to overcome Obama’s disastrous […]
They are ALL the same ….R = D = owned by The Syndicate
Friends, As I have outlined, the Republican Party and 99% of those in the Party are owned and operated by the same criminal international banking syndicate as the entirity of the Democratic Party. This “leader” of The Republican Party in The House, McMorris, just confirmed…. whether it is the fascist take over of every Americans health […]
The Price of Telling The Truth…. An Abusive IRS Audit
Friends, In July of 2009, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner at The Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. . The topic of the presentation focused on The Power of Prevention and it’s critical role in health care reform. In the question and answer period, The Congressmen asked for a review […]
Told Ya’
Friends, Yesterday on Operation Freedom I identified the lawlessness and unconstitutional acts which occur on a daily basis by Obama and his regime. Today, he did not disappoint….. he did what I predicted he would do months ago….. by decree and a flick of his hand and his pen he delayed the mandatory requirement of Obama Care for businesses with 50-100 employees until […]
Response to Obama’s SOU Speech
Friends, On Tuesday night at The State of The Dis-Union Speech, Obama let lose another pack of lies, misrepresentations and totalitarian threats targeted at stripping YOU of your Freedom and Liberty. If I was asked to create a response to his “teleprompter inspired oratory” goat rodeo, I would have gone back to my home town…. […]
Seal Team 6 : The Cover Up
Friends, An American hero joined me on Operation Freedom…… Charles Strange. Charlie’s son, Michael, was a member of Seal Team 6. The same team who reportedly captured a “high value target in Pakistan” which the Obama administration claims was OBL in May of 2011.. That same team was then murdered 3 months later. […]
Friends, Happy New Year ….. now back to reality. Those who have the courage to tell the truth to the American public, as opposed to parroting the LIES of the political elite of both parties and the “main ( lame) stream media”, are relegated to being: racists, subversives, UN- American, UN-patriotic, conspiracy theorists, dissidents, enemies […]
Back to the Future….. taking on the elite
Friends, The video below was sent to me by a legend in the intel. world. We recently witnessed Veterans marching on D.C. during the faux ” government shutdown”. We also have recently seen military leaders coming forward in requesting the resignation of Obama, Biden, Boehner, McConnell, Reid and Pelosi. We also recently witnessed an […]
Friends, Mark December 16th, 2013 as the day the Global Elite, Criminal International Banking Syndicate New World Order fascists LOST control of The United States of AMERICA that they have attempted to destroy for decades. Each and EVERY American’s Freedom was defended and restored by two very courageous and fierce Freedom Fighters….. Charles Strange […]
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Friends, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. My mom was a history teacher, one day after I arrived home from elementary school she asked me about the history of Thanksgiving. She wanted to know about the history that I had been taught in school earlier that November day. After I recited the ” theatre […]
November 22, 1963
Friends, November 22nd is the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. Many articles will be written and many TV “events” will be highlighted over the next week to keep you ” in the matrix ” and keep you unaware of the truth of what really happened in Dallas. For many years, I have […]