In this site help video, we cover the basics of navigating the new Operation Freedom site with particular attention to:
To subscribe click on either of the subscribe buttons. One is on the right side just below the advertisement slider. The other is further down the page on the right side. Both subscribe buttons will do the same thing and take you to the same subscription form. We just included a second button to address some issues with regards to ease of locating a subscribe button.
On the sign up form you just fill out your details, ensuring you answer every question, create a password where it asks and click sign up. You are then asked to provide your credit card details for the subscription costs.
After entering the required details such as email address and user name, subscribers who have completed the payment process will receive a welcome email from
This email will allow users to set their desired password upon initial login (clicking the link in the email as designated).
In the login section there is a button marked “Forgot Password”. Clicking this will take you to a Request Password Reset section. Just type in the email address you signed up with and click the Request Password Reset button. You will then receive an email with easy to follow instructions and a link on how to reset your password. Follow these easy to follow instructions and click on the link. Then just follow the prompts to create a new password.
If pages are loading slowly we suggest checking other internet usage activities. If you find that other internet activities are also running slower than normal then the issue is most likely a slow internet connection or slow mobile device connection. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do on our end to assist with this and we suggest you contact your internet service provider if the internet speed you are experiencing is unusually slow.
If some pages are not loading at all or it is only that is running slowly after trying other internet usage activities then the issue may be coming from another program on your computer. It is possible that a setting on another program or software, for example McAfee, Norton Antivirus, Avast, etc, etc, may block some browser features in the interest of a security setting or feature. Unfortunately this can lead to preventing some browsers, for example Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc, etc, from functioning as intended which may include issues with loading pages or some on page content. In this situation we suggest that you investigate these other programs and consider disabling restrictive settings in these other programs and see if this improves the speed and/or ability to load pages.
If the video is working correctly but there is no sound then please check that the volume on your computer is set to a high enough level. There will be an option within the computer settings to adjust volume. On a Windows system this will be in the bottom right corner and on a Mac OS it will be in the menu bar. The volume settings are most commonly seen as a speaker.
Also please check the volume controller on the video / audio player window itself. The volume option is down the bottom of a video player window and on the right for an audio player window. In both instances it will appear as a small speaker picture / icon. This is a volume setting specific to the video or audio that you are watching / listening to. Please check and ensure that it is not muted or that the volume is set to low.
If after completing the above there is still no volume, then please check the actual computer and items plugged into the computer. (E.g. speakers, keyboards and monitor) The computer may have a physical volume knob on it and some attachments may have a volume control of their own that is affecting the volume output.
If none of the above has fixed the audio issue then unfortunately there is nothing we can do on our end to assist with this and we suggest you may want to consider contacting a Computer Repair and Maintenance Professional as there may be an issue within the internal components of your computer system
and / or attachments.
Yes you can as long as you are a Premium Access subscriber and are logged in. You can download audio files of any and all Operation Freedom Radio Shows from the most recent episode to all the way back to the first show in October 2010. You can also download audio files of the videos from other segments as well.
To download content just click on the content that you want to download (Just like if you were wanting to view a video or listen to an audio). Once the content has loaded and started playing the options to download will also have appeared.
To download an audio click on the 3 vertical dots just to the right of the player controls.
Clicking the dots will make a download option appear.
Click on the download button and downloading will begin.
For video content a download button below the video will appear.
This is an issue that may occur when the Dr. Dave Janda website gets an update. Through the process of updating the website some of the website pages may have to be moved, deleted, renamed or re-created. This can cause bookmarks to sometimes lead to an old page and not work correctly because the bookmark connects to a page that may have undergone developmental changes. If you are experiencing this issue we recommend deleting the old bookmark, going to the website via your internet search engine and then creating a new bookmark.
This will occur if the email typed into the login box is incorrect or misspelt. Please make sure that the email address you are logging in with is the same as the one you signed up with. Operation Freedom access will only recognize the email that was used during the sign up / payment process.
From deep within the Skunkworks of the Department of Advanced Research comes our own in house trained AI model known as “Cyberdave”. Having technical issues with the website or your local device? Ask Cyberdave! Just keep in mind that this is as much an in house research / experimental project at Operation Freedom as it is a “tech support bot” so your feedback is most welcome! So far as know cyberdave has not yet become self aware, but if he starts going off on Michigan Football or Costco pizzas… all bets are off. Click the button below to interact!