
  This is the most important article you will read in your lifetime…… I kid you not. READ IT AND READ IT NOW…… THEN PASS IT ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND LOVE!!!!
We are at the precipice of World War III …… a war which will kill millions and leave those left on Earth forever in horror.  The difference between 2013 and 1913 and 1944 is the Internet and the ability to stop propaganda in it’s tracks before bombs and cruise missiles start to fly…… that is where we come in.
 The Noble Peace Prize Winner Obama is about to launch an Unconstitutional War on fraudulent and propagandized information in order to protect the petrodollar and divert attention away from the economic implosion occurring at home. After you read the article take a listen to my segment on the War from last Sunday…… it will tell you want you need to know and what the Powers That be do not want you to hear.
Dave Janda

Medicaid Expansion…. Victory then Defeat

   I have made the contention that the State of Michigan under the “leadership ” of CowardNerd Rick “Jennifer” Snyder ( Coward because he ran away from debating me on my radio show last month) has devolved into a fascist state….. a la Mussolini’s Italy…… last night’s goat rodeo in The Senate Chamber in Michigan has proven me correct.
 A critical component of Obama Care is Medicaid Expansion….. it will force millions of Americans into a system that is costly, inefficient, rationed based and has been shown in at least 4….. that’s right….. 4 peer reviewed medical studies that people on Medicaid have significantly worse health outcomes and have a far greater chance of dying than people that have NO health insurance.
Translation….. having “health insurance” does NOT mean you can get health care
Prior to yesterday, The Michigan Senate voted TWICE to not approve Medicaid Expansion in Michigan in spite of The CowardNerd Snyder “misrepresenting” ( read lying) about the facts related to cost, care and outcomes and his endless river of monetary support to any politician who would  back Medicaid Expansion.
Last night he pushed for yet another re-re-re-vote…… Freedom Fighters stood tall lead by Senator Pat Colbeck  and stuffed The CowardNerd and his band of fascist thugs. The CowardNerd then morphed into Mussolini and had individual and groups of ” conservative” Senators brought to him for the breaking of arms and doling out of cash….. and like a good Fascist he was able to get one “broken” Senator to change his “mind”. So a re-re-re-re vote was called late in the night and Medical Fascism won lead by The Mussolini of Michigan….. CowardNerd Rick ” Jennifer” Snyder and his eight traitorous fascist thugs who call themselves Conservatives.
The scene in The Senate last night was eerily reminiscent of a third world country lead by Hugo Chavez. We have many issues to hang our heads in disgust over in Michigan….. and this episode adds to the very long list. I suggest you read the brief article below and then I suggest you make a donation to the lead Freedom fighter in politics…… Pat Colbeck….. Campaign Support Appeal

Predator Nation


  The United States government has abandoned the  principles of Freedom and Liberty…… all you have to do is look and listen to what The NSA,  Congress, The White House, The State Dept., The IRS, The Dept. of Justice, The Dept. of Homeland Security and The Dept. of Health & Human Services are doing on a daily basis to strip EVERY American of Our Freedoms.
The U.S. has become a Predator Nation and has set it’s target on YOU and every American….. take a listen to the closing segment from this week’s Operation Freedom. 

” Let them have Obama Care”


  History does repeat itself.  The phrase “Let them eat cake”…… helped spawn the French Revolution. Obama just declared that Congress and their staff members will not be burdened by Obama Care….. they will be able to keep their cushy taxpayer funded health care plan. Yet you and I….. The little people….. will be forced into Obama Care.  This is the modern day version of  ” Let them eat cake”…… Obama and EVERY member of Congress has decreed….. ” Let them have Obama Care.” 
If only the fascists who decreed this latest policy knew a bit of history…… It is safe to say it didn’t work out so well for Marie Antoinette back in the 1700’s.  Take a listen to a segment addressing Obama Care from this week’s show.

An American Patriot & Hero

Our country has been and is blessed with many Freedom Fighters, heroes and Patriots. Abraham Bolden is the definition of all three….. and many more. His life is the personification of duty, honor, perseverance, dedication and sacrifice.  Unfortunately, his own government has been his greatest enemy…… all because he tried to present information to The Powers That Be concerning the murder of The President he once protected.  Take a listen to the interview with Abraham Bolden from this week’s Operation Freedom.

The Navigators of Obama Care

 Last night I was a  guest on Andrew Wilkow’s Show on The Blaze Network ( www.theblaze.com/tv/  ) .  Doc Thompson was the guest host as we dissected Obama Care and exposed the”The Navigators”  who have been chosen to “help” Americans sign up for Obama Care. Doc was very generous with his time given to the topic and devoted an entire segment to the issue. A portion of the interview can be viewed at :  
 Point of fact…. are you aware that “The Navigators” that will direct Americans to Obama Care have NO functional medical knowledge, no health care experience, will not be subject to a background or criminal record check but will have access to  each American’s income level, birth date, address, Social Security Number and  medical records…… now what could go wrong with that ?

Video Dissection of Obama Care


Below are links to a video presentation on what every American is facing with Obama Care, Health Care Exchanges and Medicaid Expansion.  You will hear none of this in the main ( lame) stream media. I thank The Rattle With Us Tea Party for their invitation and opportunity to bring this information to the forefront.

Janda on The Blaze


Attached is the Op-Ed  I authored on Obama Care, Health Care Exchanges, Medicaid Expansion and the Governor of Michigan who runs from the facts and the people. 
I thank Glenn Beck and his outstanding Blaze staff for publishing the information.  NO other “news source” has the guts to take on the criminal syndicate which controls “the main stream media.”  
Please network this article to all of your contacts: