Obama Knew The Exchanges Would Implode
Friends, Shock!!! Awe!!!!….. Who could or would have predicted it! Go back and read the e-mail I sent you a couple of weeks ago about how Obama Care was devised by Obama , his owners( criminal international banking syndicate), the insurance,HMO,pharmaceutical industries and the AMA to implode upon placement. That’s right….. the […]
Obama Care & The Grateful Dead
Friends, I grew up in Chicago…. I am use to politicians harvesting the dead to vote for their favorite candidate ( Mayor Daley harvesting dead “voters” to win Chicago for Kennedy). Of all the problems I identified with Obama Care starting 4 years ago….. I NEVER anticipated this : THE DEAD HAVE THE ABILITY […]
The Murder of Seal Team 6
Friends, A very courageous American Hero and Patriot , Charles Strange, recently joined me on Operation Freedom . His son, Michael, was a member of Seal Team 6, who according to The Obama Administration, captured a “high value target”….. reportedly Bin Laden. Michael and his entire Team were murdered 3 months later. If […]
Syria, The Puppets & The New World Order
Friends, The worldwide governmental puppets of The New World Order are intent on using Syria as the spark to ignite World War 3. Don’t believe it….. then take a listen…… http://www.davejanda.com/operation-freedom/janda-on-syria,-puppets,-and-the-new-world-order Dave
NEW YouTube Video Dissection of Obama Care
Friends, So the Democrats and Republicans are upset with Senator Cruz for speaking on the Senate floor for the past 22 hours on how Obama Care will negatively impact EVERY American, Our country and Our health care delivery system. Rumor has it John McCain was upset because he could not access his video poker App […]
The Inhumane core of Obama Care
Friends, It is crunch time. On Friday The House of Representatives voted to defund Obama Care….. many say it won’t matter…… it won’t matter if you sit on dead center and do nothing ! It is time to saddle up and contact your Senators and tell them and their staff….” if you vote to fund Obama Care I will do everything […]
The Federal Reserve’s Walls are falling down
Friends, Tonight, Larry Summers “shocked” the financial establishment by announcing he was removing his name from consideration as Federal Reserve Board Chairman. He reportedly was a ” lock” due to the fact that he was the pick of the International Banking syndicate and whatever they chose…. Obama obeys their commands. So, do you think […]
Support Obama’s World War 3…..Today!
Friends, From my friends at Second City in Chicago….. a compassionate plea for the funding of World War 3 and Obama….. take a look…. you will not be disappointed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-sdO6pwVHQ#t=86 Dave
The Best Obama Care Ad EVER !
Friends, The best ad describing what EVERY American is in for with Obama Care….. funny but true! Dave http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2013/08/best-ever-obamacare-ad.html?m=1
Medicaid Expansion…. Victory then Defeat
Friends, I have made the contention that the State of Michigan under the “leadership ” of CowardNerd Rick “Jennifer” Snyder ( Coward because he ran away from debating me on my radio show last month) has devolved into a fascist state….. a la Mussolini’s Italy…… last night’s goat rodeo in The Senate Chamber in Michigan […]
” Let them have Obama Care”
Friends, History does repeat itself. The phrase “Let them eat cake”…… helped spawn the French Revolution. Obama just declared that Congress and their staff members will not be burdened by Obama Care….. they will be able to keep their cushy taxpayer funded health care plan. Yet you and I….. The little people….. will be […]
An American Patriot & Hero
Friends, Our country has been and is blessed with many Freedom Fighters, heroes and Patriots. Abraham Bolden is the definition of all three….. and many more. His life is the personification of duty, honor, perseverance, dedication and sacrifice. Unfortunately, his own government has been his greatest enemy…… all because he tried to present information to The Powers That Be concerning the […]