Christmas & Holiday Greetings

Dear Friends, I would like to wish You & Your Family a Merry Christmas & a Happy Holiday Season!  I thank you for your efforts this year in networking  Operation Freedom, Our Prevention Message and Our message of  Health Care Freedom For All.  In so doing, we have empowered millions of families and communities worldwide in becoming safer, healthier and more cognizant on […]

Guest Post: David Haggith: “Epocalypse Soon: The Great Economic Collapse is Happening.”

Friends, David Haggith has posted an excellent analysis:  “Epocalypse Soon: The Great Economic Collapse is Happening.” It can be found at . Dave Janda   Epocalypse Soon: The Second Coming of the Great Recession is Near Posted December 3, 2015 By David Haggith It was the second nuclear explosion, not the first, that ended World War II; and […]

It’s A BIG Club & We’re NOT in it!

Friends,   On  Operation Freedom I based a segment on George Carlin’s stand up HBO special….” It’s a BIG club & we are not in it “. Carlin’s piece was recorded in 2005. He was light years ahead of his time. What he discussed in 2005 is playing out today with the New World Order […]

ONE Person can Make a HUGE Difference

  Friends, Thoughts & Prayers are with The Parr family. An American Hero Jerry Parr died on Friday. He is someone you should know about…. why? Because Jerry saved Our country from the globalists for 8 years. How? Jerry was the hero who shoved Reagan into the car when he was attacked 2 months after his inauguration. […]

Truth, Justice & The Globalist Way

Friends, It has been said….” When in a War, in order to defeat your enemy …. you must know about  your enemy.” I believe we can beat the globalists, but we must first identify their goals, objectives and methods of stripping EVERY person worldwide of Our Freedoms,Liberty and possessions.  Take a listen…..,-injustice-and-the-globalist-way Dave

The Syndicate is STEALING YOUR Freedom, Money & YOUR LIFE

Friends,   Time is getting close to what I believe will be a significant upheaval that is designed to strip YOU of your Freedom, money and Life. NOT an overstatement. The interview from this past Sunday’s Operation Freedom with Patrick Wood was aired and received significant blow back from  The SCUM Powers That Be. It OUTS […]

Time to Step Up…. It is Getting Late!

Friends,   You are busy… but I suggest you take the time to listen to my segment from this past Sunday’s Operation Freedom show. It is time to get off your stool and step up to the criminal syndicate.   Dave

It’s a BIG Club & We are NOT in it !

Friends,   On  Operation Freedom I based a segment on George Carlin’s stand up HBO special….” It’s a BIG club & we are not in it “. Carlin’s piece was recorded in 2005. He was light years ahead of his time. What he discussed in 2005 is playing out today with the New World Order […]

The CRIMINALS in The Supreme Court have sold out….AGAIN !

Friends,    The criminals who wear robes in Washington have doubled down…..  and this was the  bass-acward” reasoning” from JUDAS Roberts……  “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them,” Roberts wrote in the  majority opinion .   (Exactly how does he know that…. Congress admitted they did not read the Bill before they […]

Obama Tries to Scrub the Existence of His Rationing Board…. Sorry : Busted!

Friends,   Below is a recent note from Eric Dubin, the managing director of I had the fortunate opportunity to be interviewed by Eric for his radio broadcast several months ago.  As he points out in his note, the interview is as pertinent today as it was when it was recorded.     As Eric mentions in his […]

What The media is NOT telling you about Benghazi & ISIS

Friends,   You are busy….. too busy…. but you need to take the time and effort to listen to Clare Lopez and the follow up segment from this week’s Operation Freedom.  The ” main stream media” is setting you up for disaster. That is NOT an over statement. It is critical you know what is happening and […]

Baltimore ????

Friends,     Before you go any further listening to “the main stream media” propaganda concerning Baltimore , I suggest you read this article containing 12 important questions.    Please let’s not forget the purposeful economic “tinder” that was created by the Criminal Banking Syndicate and their puppets in political office in Washington since […]