Memorial Service and Reading of Names

Memorial Service and Reading of Names Sunday, October 11, 2020 10:00am Eastern Watch via Facebook Live On Sunday morning, October 11, a special service will take place at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial where the 307 names that were added to the walls in 2020 will be read live by representatives of the Police […]
Robert Mazur: FinCen Files Confirm The Elephant In The Room

By Robert Mazur, former U.S. Federal Agent and author of “The Infiltrator” I’ve had the privilege of working with journalists from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), BuzzFeed News and many other media outlets during the past decade. When approached a few months ago to analyze leaked Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and offer my […]
Robert Mazur: Shedding Light On The Truth

Special thanks to Robert Mazur for the contributing editors piece. I’ve had the privilege of working with journalists from the ICIJ, BuzzFeed and many other media outlets during the past decade. When approached a few months ago to analyze leaked SARs and offer my perspectives about the significance of the documents, I paused and […]
Special Report: Tonight Sidney Powell Dropped The Hammer On Brennan & The Deep State The Hammer was disclosed to the public in early March 2017 by investigative journalists Mary Fanning & Alan Jones. On March 19, 2017, General Tom McInerney, with the support of Admiral Ace Lyons, brought information on The Hammer, for the first time on radio or TV, to The Operation Freedom Show. Since then the […]
Reclaiming Freedom (and Justice): The Barr Hearing

Special thanks to Michael Ingmire of for this contribution. In the aftermath of Attorney General William Barr’s testimony, on July 28, before the House Judiciary Committee, there is one phrase that was repeated over and over: “I’m reclaiming my time.” The reason that Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee called Barr to testify […]
Sidney Powell Drops The Hammer On Deep State Criminals On Network TV In this segment from Fox News: May 21 2020, Gen. Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell talks illegal deep state surveillance. Additionally the illegal surveillance tool known as “the hammer” is mentioned live on network television.
Who Broke General Flynn Upon a Wheel?

The decorated three-star general knew where the bodies were buried. So he had to be ruined. By Thaddeus G. McCotter • May 1, 2020 On July 1, 1967, The Times of London published an article by its editor, William Rees-Mogg, titled “Who Breaks a Butterfly upon a Wheel?” The editorial decried the severe sentence handed out to the Rolling Stones’ […]
Postcards from the Pandemic: Good Faith Frays

Special thanks to Thaddeus G. Mcotter for this contribution! Postcards from the Pandemic: Good Faith Frays God willing, soon this plague will pass; but the pandemic policy makers’ treatment and its side effects on America’s locked down patients will take longer to heal. At the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, the public was willing […]
Looking for a Rational, Data-Driven Policy Solution to COVID-19?

Special thanks to former Michigan State Senator: Patrick Colbeck If you are like me, you are tired of the “timeline roulette” approach taken by many of our elected officials regarding how to address COVID-19 pandemic. Michigan, my home state, has been in CCP-style “lockdown” since Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a “Stay at home” Executive Order […]
Can We Prepare America for the Next Pandemic?

Can We Prepare America for the Next Pandemic? By Thaddeus G. McCotter March 20, 2020 With every passing moment, nations are establishing precedents for how to contain and ultimately stop a global pandemic. Because the novel coronavirus apparently originated in Wuhan and was immediately covered up by the Chinese Communist Party, the health and welfare […]
This liberal went to CPAC. And it was nothing like I expected

Special thanks to Karlyn Borysenko for contributing this piece. I have a few theories about what made my article about being a Democrat who went to a Trump rally go massively viral. Perhaps it was the novelty of the social justice crazy going on in the knitting community. Perhaps it was the experience of someone successfully overcoming […]
Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump: Military Tribunals For Terrorists

From Michael Ingmire, Uncle of Benghazi Victim Sean Smith Special thanks fo Michael Ingmire & for this contribution. This letter is written to request a change in the structure of future trials for captured terrorists. To articulate my point, future terrorist trials should return to a Military Tribunal structure. As an uncle of Benghazi victim […]