” You can keep your health insurance”….. NOT !

Last evening I sent an update on Obama and his administration’s knowledge  that millions of Americans would lose their health care coverage due to Obama Care.  Obama has known this fact for over four years, yet he continues to this day to state…. ” You can keep your insurance.” Within several hours, the linked article that I cited in my note, was removed from The NBC Site.  Thanks to Freedom Fighters holding NBC’s feet to the fire it has now been restored.
Eric Dubin from The News Doctors featured my note ( see below) in a special report.  Eric documents the fact that the story was removed  :
TND editor’s note:  Following the original publication of the NBC Investigations story, the page hosting the story “broke” and now displays a “404″ error.  Hopefully, the full story will be returned to a new page.  If this is an attempt of censorship, it would be rather foolish given that the story is already “out,” with a portion appearing on many blogs such as here, and with other news outlets already reporting on the content of the story, such as here and here.
This is yet another indication of an Administration that is OUT OF CONTROL…… isn’t hope and change great!
Dave Janda
Published On: Tue, Oct 29th, 2013

Obama Knew All Along MILLIONS Would Lose Existing Health Care Coverage Plans

TND Exclusive:  Dr. Dave Janda |obama lies
Since I came forward with the facts about Obama Care starting in 2009, with the passage of The Stimulus Bill, in which the rationing and enforcement boards were hidden, I was derided as a racist, a conspiracy theorist, a doomsayer and blatantly wrong.  At that time, I outlined how Obama Care would lead to the rationing of care, increase costs significantly, reduce the quality of care and millions would lose their insurance coverage.
I am NOT a racist.  I am a realist.  I am a fact based theorist — and I was CORRECT on all counts from the outset about Obama Care.  I had the guts to tell the truth in spite of a dishonest administration who utilizes intimidation, coercion and fear tactics to suppress dissent.
Tonight, NBC News reported and confirmed what I stated and presented over 4 years ago.  Their story originally appeared on their website at this linked page.
It’s now admitted:  MILLIONS WILL LOSE THEIR HEALTH COVERAGE AND THEY KNEW IT ALL ALONG!  As late as yesterday, Obama proclaimed: “You will not lose your insurance.”
I know, I know…  “He didn’t know it,” the zombies will chant.  The bottom line:  he knew it ALL along.  Obama and his ENTIRE administration have been lying to EVERY AMERICAN for over 4 years and at the same time doing everything in their power, through the use of Federal Agencies, to suppress dissent.
* * * *
TND editor’s note:  Following the original publication of the NBC Investigations story, the page hosting the story “broke” and now displays a “404″ error.  Hopefully, the full story will be returned to a new page.  If this is an attempt of censorship, it would be rather foolish given that the story is already “out,” with a portion appearing on many blogs such as here, and with other news outlets already reporting on the content of the story, such as here and here.
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About Dr. Dave Janda:
David H. Janda, M.D. is an orthopedic surgeon based in Ann Arbor, Michigan and a member of a nine-member orthopedic surgery group. In addition, Dr. Janda is the director and founder of the Institute for Preventative Sports Medicine, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is the only health care cost containment organization of its kind in North America.  Dr. Janda also produces “Operation Freedom,” a 2 hour weekly radio program on Ann Arbor, MI based WAAM 1600 AM.  Click here for the show archive.
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