
 Under the title…. ” You Make This S*** Up category”…… first up….. One of the companies responsible for The Obama Care  Website Goat Rodeo ( read willful implosion to usher in a single payer system) has now been given the contract to “fix”  what it did to “break” the system in the first place.  Surprise….. the company is a subsidiary of a LARGE INSURANCE COMPANY ( Shocking!!!!!! ) …… UnitedHealth and an executive of the company is ONE OF THE LARGEST DONORS TO OBAMA….. how about that Hope & Change!!!!
Don’t believe me……
Then how about the most recent ad running in Oregon funded by taxpayers via Obama Care  to get folks to sign up for the Obama Care  health care exchange….. take a look….. but the only folks identifying with this piece of garbage would be those still trapped in the 1970’s wearing tye-dyed shirts and still tripping on LSD.  Take a look …… ;
Dave Janda