By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
My guest on Courageous Discourse is Dr. Dave Janda, a retired orthopedic surgeon with a storied career in sports injury prevention, research, public policy, and now unfortunately in medical censorship.
Listen to this riveting interview with Dr. Janda and how he came on the scene with discoveries on how to prevent baseball/softball injuries, recognize and manage commotio cordis (cardiac arrest due to blunt trauma), and his life as a health policy expert in Washington. Janda worked closely with former US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, MD, and had a career highlighted by congressional testimony and appearances in the major media including the Opra Winfrey Show.
Dr. Janda is a powerful icon in the independent media space and has been a sharp critic of “corporate medicine.” He recognized immediately that SARS-CoV-2 was a “freedom-stripping virus” and for that Tweet he was permanently banned from Twitter. Dozens of appeals have been turned down. I did a poll on Dr. Janda and you can see why Twitter is afraid of letting him back on the platform.
Enjoy this long format interview and join me in learning about a courageous American hero—Dr. Dave Janda. He was chosen to be the first in a new series of Profiles in Valor.
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