
On August 11th I informed Caravan To Midnight (CTM) management that my last show on the CTM platform would be on August 31, 2017.  As to why I will be leaving the CTM platform……
 Unfortunately, some endeavors that all of us enter down life’s road do not succeed on all fronts. When I became a content provider to The Caravan To Midnight platform my goal was to add to the great work that John B Wells had created and produced in providing outstanding content to The Caravan.
 I believe the four shows I substitute hosted for John B and the subsequent twenty shows than I hosted were an enormous success.  I believe my guests and I provided outstanding content and information that will never see the light of day in the Lame Stream Fake Media. It was on that most important aspect we succeeded. However, for a content provider to succeed and continue other aspects must be in place, including subscriber acceptance and support.
Add to the mix issues outside of the “workplace.” It has been said  “Life is short…. too short” and ” The most important aspect in your life is your health of you and your family.” Recently my family has had several significant unexpected health issues arise. When that occurs energy needs to be re-directed to loved ones. It was my determination that in redirecting the energy to my loved ones it would be impossible to uphold the high level of content driven shows that I strive to produce for The Caravan.
There is a tremendous amount of time and effort that goes into a show in production. The people who helped me in getting it done are fantastic people. I will always be grateful to Ghost, Jim Williams and Olas. I will also be grateful to John B Wells and Brendi for allowing me an opportunity to get to know The Caravan To Midnight Family.
Thank you for listening.  I wish you the best and you can always catch my Sunday radio show Operation Freedom via In addition to the podcasts on the  site there are archives of every show dating back to October 2010, my America’s Vital Signs segments and my Power of Prevention segments for you to enjoy and benefit from.
Dream Big & Dare To Fail!
Warm Regards,
Dave Janda