I agree with you …… ALL of the scum in DC …. LIE…… 24/7 for decades before both of us were born on Planet Earth. The lies you cited were accurate by both sides….. But in reality they both are on the same side……. there is only one party….. The Republicrats owned and operated by the Banksters.
But…. This Obama “whopper” is different ….. As Tip O’Neal said : ” all politics is local” …… There is nothing more “local” than an individual’s health, their family’s health and their day to day family expenses. The Obama whopper : ” you won’t lose your insurance ” will have legs and kick him in the ass like no candy ass Republican could ever do. The difference with this Obama whopper is that it is “local”…. it is a lie every American will feel the immediate negative impact from as opposed to the other lies which were seen as “distant” and not having “local” ramifications .
Trust me on this, as a doc on the frontline of health care delivery for the past 30 years, you mess with an American’s health care and what options they have….. They will try to gut you in a nanosecond with the closest sharp object they can find.
Add to that, the fact that the financial impact of the loss of insurance or the mandatory switch to a much more expensive plan on every family will hit hard and fast. It will be a huge immediate hit to every families bottom line. It appears over the next 1 1/2 years ….. 93 MILLION Americans will lose or have to switch their insurance. That number will even grow larger as the months tick on by.
I do not know of a lie by any member of the government in the past that has had such an immediate and profound negative “local” impact on EVERY American family.